Stick Shapes Game

Do your kids do this? Lately L makes shapes and pictures with everything stick-like…markers, crayons, toothpicks, straws, hot glue gun sticks, chopsticks, everything! It’s a great learning activity though and can be a lot of fun! It’s also something you all can play anywhere at any time…think restaurant, waiting forever for dinner to come…




  • markers (or anything stick-like)

L always initiates this game, usually by making triangles and squares.

We do some letters.

Make some snakes…be careful, this one bites!


Sometimes I tell L which shape to build. Other times we can take turns building shapes, having the other person guess what it is. I made this one and L proclaimed, “Like a stop sign!”



And still, other times we make pictures and shapes together.

You can also practice colors and counting with this game too. It’s so simple, yet so much fun for a two year old or older! Sometimes simple really is best. What little games like this does your family play?

DIY Cardboard Tube Bracelets and Watches

This is one of those things that I threw together while fixing breakfast one morning. L has a little craft corner, just a chair pulled up to the kitchen counter, next to where we cook and prep food. She was just looking for something to get into on this particular morning, so I pulled some tubes out of our recycling basket, cut them in half and gave her some markers. L doesn’t use markers very often, so when she does get to use them for a craft she is THRILLED and works for at least 30 min to an hour!

Materials needed:

  • old paper towel or toilet paper tubes
  • markers (or paint)
  • scissors

Other optional embellishments:

  • jewels, sequins
  • poof-balls
  • buttons
  • macaroni noodles
  • string
  • duct tape
  • hot glue gun and glue



 The first step, is to make one cut up the side of the tube. Then cut the tube in half or into pieces, depending on how wide you want the bracelet.

Next, have your kids color the tubes. As you can see here, it was easiest for L to color hers while it was curled around a bottle of paint. A banana or thin rolling pin would work great too!

After the tubes are colored you can glue on any embellishments that you have on hand. L is only 2, so her coloring is basically scribbling…the poof-balls and jewels give her scribbling bracelets a little more bling.


Depending on the brand and type of cardboard tube you are using, you can always make the bracelets more secure with some snazzy duct tape too! Our toilet paper rolls were plenty sturdy, but paper towel rolls were thinner and weaker and needed a little support!


And don’t think this craft is just for girls! Guys can certainly wear bracelets! What Dad wouldn’t want a cardboard tube watch? It’d make a fun lil addition to a Father’s Day gift or birthday gift.



Have fun making something out of nothing!

DIY Vintage Feather Garland

I love this simple, yet colorful and fun feather garland. The orange, yellow and browns of our garland take me back to the 70s and 80s, and the make-believe games of yesteryear, making it the perfect garland for a kid’s bedroom or play area. You could spruce this garland up a bit for the holidays though, using all white or sparkly feathers. Peacock feathers would be beautiful as well! There are so many possibilities!


Materials needed:

  • feathers
  • gold wire
  • basic wiring tools
  • string


The easiest way I found to attach the wire to the feathers, is as follows… (If you “click” on each picture, the wiring is much clearer when it’s enlarged.)

For each feather, you’ll need a piece of wire about 1 1/2 to 2 inches long.

Wrap one end of the wire twice, making a small loop.

About 1/2 an inch from the other end of the wire, wrap the wire once, folding the excess wire around the back of the mid-section. (Much easier to see in the picture than it is to explain!) Bend the loop you first made, so it’s perpendicular to rest.


To attach the wire to the feather, thread the end of the feather through the bent loop. Bend the loop, back down so it’s laying more or less flat against the feather, holding it in place. On the opposite end of the wire, hold the loop still while you wrap the excess wire around the feather. Repeat with each feather.


I’ve pictured multiple feathers in their completed state. As you can see each wiring job is a little different, adjusting to the various lengths and widths of the feathers’ ends.


The last step is certainly the easiest…thread the feathers onto your string and hang!



Our feather garland is hanging above the little one’s play area. The brightly colored feathers are constantly in motion, gently dancing as the air moves around the room. I love how it catches WB’s eye while she’s playing on her back, taking in her surroundings. Where will you hang your feather garland for the whole family to enjoy?

Play Dough Funny Faces w/ DIY Outlet Covers

When I saw a variation of this craft years ago, I stored it away in the back of my mind, just waiting for L to be old enough to make and play with these! The outlet covers I saw were made using Sharpie Markers, but I love the color we brought to ours with paint! The outlet-cover funny faces are as much fun to make as they are to play with! L and I spent one day painting the outlet covers, let them dry overnight, then the next day, we were able to glue on the googlie eyes and stick them in our play dough! So silly and so much fun!


Materials Needed:

  • outlet covers
  • paint (acrylic and/or puffy paint)
  • googlie eyes
  • jewels (optional)
  • hot glue gun and glue
  • your favorite play dough
  • egg cartons (optional)


The first thing I did, preparing our work station, was to cut off the center tips of an egg carton. I then put an outlet cover in each opening so L could paint them with ease.


Then, paint away! I tried to paint mouths and noses on the outlet covers, while I let L paint hers however she pleased. I figured the ones she painted could be used to glue on the eyes and jewels later on.



After the glue dries, you can go over some with puffy paint too! I thought it was a fun effect for big, puffy lips!

Using a hot glue gun, attach some googlie eyes and jewels to a few of the other outlet covers.


Now it’s time to play! Just push the outlet covers into your favorite play dough…the funny face possibilities are endless!






I love how the play dough doesn’t stick to the outlet covers, rather it just falls off, making clean-up a breeze! Please share pictures of your funny faces…we’d love to see them! Enjoy!

Tie-Dye Napkin Painting

I remember first doing this activity at a friend’s house when I was in Kindergarten. It’s so simple, yet so much fun! Even as an adult, I enjoy painting these with L…the finished painting always looks so much better than I expect it to!

Materials Needed:

  • white napkins
  • watercolor paints

Keeping it folded up, paint the napkin with the watercolors. Make sure the paint is plenty wet and soaks through the napkin completely.



Once you’re done painting dots, patterns, or whatever you fancy on the napkin, open it up for the surprise ending! See…so much cooler than you anticipated!!!





L could paint these all day long! If you don’t have paper napkins on hand, paper towels work too. Enjoy!



2-Ingredient Gooey Dough

L and I are always looking for new play dough recipes, so when I came across this one I just knew we had to make it! We call it “Gooey Dough” because it’s so stringy, smooth, and gooey! It feels good to squish through your fingers and fun to strrrrreeeeeetch as long as you can!

Materials needed: 

  • 1 to 1 1/2 cups, hair conditioner
  • 2 cups, cornstarch

Using a large mixing bowl, put both ingredients together and mix, mix, squish, mix!



I have to admit that after about a minute, I thought this was the messiest, worst play dough ever made…BUT as I washed my hands, L kept squishing it together and a couple minutes later we had this wonderful concoction!!! I’m so glad she kept at it, because Gooey Dough has become one of our favorites! L has played with it for hours, day after day.



You can add some food coloring if you like or toss in some glitter, but we were happy with the Gooey Dough the way it is…it’s so white, smooth and the conditioner gives the whole kitchen a fresh scent! It’s truly the most luscious dough we’ve ever made!




By day two, I came up with a couple tips…

-Store the dough in a sealed plastic bag or storage container (I’ve read that it keeps for months).
-It’s best for your kids to take their clothes off to play or wear a smock shirt! It can get messy fast!
-This dough just asks to be squished all around, so tape down a plastic/silicone chopping mat on the table or work surface.


Get messy and have fun!!!

Bubble Blobs and Bubble Worms

Here is a super-fun activity made with materials you already have! L and I started making bubble blobs after breakfast this morning and we were still making them in the shower tonight! (I may or may not have bribed her into the shower with her bubble blob blower.) It’s definitely a good summer activity, but there’s no reason why it can’t be done in the bathtub on a rainy, cold day.




Materials needed:

  • plastic drink bottle
  • old sock (Thick socks work best!)
  • rubber band
  • dish soap
  • food coloring (optional)
  • a small bowl
  • scissors



First, cut the bottom of the plastic bottle off and unscrew the lid.



Turn the sock inside out (so the fluffier side is outside), and pull it over the bottom of the bottle. Secure it in place with a rubber band.



Next, put some dish soap in a small bowl with a little bit of water. If you want your bubble blobs and worms to be colored, add a few drops of food coloring too!



Now for the fun part…put the newly-made, bubble blob blower in the dish soap, then blow through the bottle top!




Instruct your kids to blow as if they’re blowing up a balloon and not to suck in!!! L made that mistake once and got a mouthful of bubbles. Ick!






It’s fun to see who can make the longest bubble worm! 🙂 What other bubble inventions have you made? Please share in the comments section below!


Imagination Box!

I don’t know about you, but our kids always seem to have too much stuff….too many stuffed animals, too many dolls, too many plastic play sets, too many puzzles, etc. When L is going to a birthday party, I hate to buy a toy that her friend will play with for 5 minutes and then toss to the side. Homemade gifts are truly the best, most heart-felt to give and I love making them, but I just don’t have the time some days. The IMAGINATION BOX is my gift-giving solution!!! It is quick and easy to put together and kids of all ages LOVE it! The Imagination Box makes for a fun birthday gift, as well as a perfect “Get Well Soon” gift, plus it guarantees hours of entertainment!

“So, what do I put in the box?” you ask. Anything and everything!

Paper plates and cups, brown paper bags, construction paper, crepe paper, straws…


Cotton balls, clothes pins, colored craft sticks, paper clips, sponges, markers, googlie eyes…


Buttons, rubber bands, glue, beads, shoe laces, pipe cleaners…


Egg cartons, kid scissors, mini-staplers, felt squares, a few sandwich bags (for lil pieces with opened packaging)…


Just about anything that will fit in the Imagination Box, that kids can use to create art, works! I usually go to the Dollar Store, walking up and down every aisle, and look for items with crafting potential. It certainly looks like a lot pictured here, but the box can be filled with less than 25 dollars!


Last, but not least, you need a cardboard box to put everything in. Try to leave the box mostly undecorated, so the child receiving the gift can use it too! The box itself will make a perfect rocketship, firetruck, castle, table, bed, gnome house, etc.


When putting together an Imagination Box, you need to consider the child’s age. It’s best to put things in the box that the child receiving it can create with independently and safely. After all, the box is designed to keep kids busy creating (so mom and dad can cook dinner in peace)! For instance, if you’re making an Imagination Box for a 2 yr old, you may not want to include scissors or a stapler, but an 8 year old would have no problem with them. Always make sure you give parents a heads-up of anything that’s questionable.

Some ideas to get kids started…

  • make a little town or fairy village using paper bags
  • paper plate masks
  • pipe cleaner bracelets, necklaces, glasses
  • puppets
  • robots
  • make pretend food
  • cotton balls for clouds
  • clothespins to make people
  • egg carton flowers
  • egg carton caterpillar

Get messy and have fun!!! Let the kids’ imaginations soar!

Acorn Cap Treasures

L and I were so excited the other day when we noticed that acorns were starting to fall from the Oak trees. We collected as many acorns and acorn caps as we could carry and rushed home to make “acorn cap treasures” with them. This craft is so much fun to do and to observe that we’ll probably be doing it every summer when the first acorns begin to fall.


Materials needed:

  • acorn caps
  • markers (any kind should work)
  • Elmer’s Glue
  • a medium container
  • rice or dried beans or lentils



First, color the inside of your acorn caps with the markers. L loved this part, but being only 2 yrs old she wasn’t the best at coloring the entire cap…so I helped filling in any missed spots.





Next, pour some of the rice or beans into your container…it only needs to be about half an inch deep.  Have your child lay all the caps on top, one by one. Press down gently on each cap making sure they are upright…well, bottoms-up.



Now, fill each acorn cap with the glue. This was our favorite part, watching the colors bleed out into the glue.

Wait and watch your acorn caps for a couple days as the glue begins to dry and the colors change. L loved checking on her treasures throughout the day, observing all the color variations. They take a full two days to dry!





When your acorn cap treasures are dry, the insides will be nice and shiny like true jewels. Now it’s time to play!



L likes to pretend that her acorn caps are fairy treasures and coins. She tried giving me a couple of my favorite colored ones, the orange, in exchange for a cookie this afternoon. Ha! I love seeing L’s imagination at work!


We also have fun playing matching games with them. We turn all the caps upside-down on a blanket. Then, one of us says a color and we take turns trying to find it. With the same set up, you can also take turns trying to find two of any matching color. So much fun to make and to play with! What games did your kids come up with???



DIY Tin Can Bird Feeder

I think what I love most about the Tin Can Bird Feeder is that you’re essentially making something from nothing! It’s also such a fun way to teach kids how to reuse and recycle! We just made the bird feeder on a whimsy for our own backyard, but it would make a terrific gift too.



Materials needed:

  • tin can and its lid
  • pliers
  • hot glue gun and glue
  • sticks
  • string
  • a few small rocks


First, make sure your can has been thoroughly cleaned and remove the paper label.




Next, being careful not to cut yourself, fold the lid in half using your pliers. Our lid was one of the pull-top ones, which made it a little tricky, but we were still able to make it work!




Now, using the hot glue gun, put a little bit of glue around half of the rim of the can and set the lid inside. Try your best to hide the glue, so it’s not so visible from the outside.



While you’re folding and gluing the top, go ahead and send the little ones off to find sticks in the backyard.



Find one or two thicker, sturdier sticks and glue them to the bottom of the bird feeder…this is where the birds can perch while they snack.



Now, go around the can gluing sticks side-by-side until the entire can has been covered. We broke the sticks so they were all roughly the same length, but by no means perfect. If one stick is curved and leaves a substantial gap, go ahead and glue a small stick in to fill the hole.



On the bottom of the can, glue a few rocks in place…these probably won’t be seen, but will help balance out the bird feeder so it doesn’t tip too far forward.



Lastly, tie a string around the bird feeder and fill with bird seed. Hang it up where you and the kids can see it from a window…maybe on a nearby branch or off of your porch. Now, sit back and wait for the birds!




We decorated our bird feeder with sticks from the yard, but you can certainly get creative and mix things up a bit. Your kids can paint the tin can, wrap string around the can, or glue buttons on it…anything you all are inspired to do to make it unique!